Wolverine hacks will have a new look soon!!
Posted by Nitesh Kothari on 09 September 2008
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I am bored of this blog's template. So, i planned to design a template myself. I plan to revamp this blog as soon as possible. I have already started designing a template and included some of the best features.
1. 3-column template. (red theme)
2. Ajax Tab menu above blog Posts containing recent posts, archive and comments.
3. left sidebar for 125 x 125 banner ads where i will show rotating ads, Performacing Ads and Entrecard Widget.
4. 3 column footer.
5. 2 Navigation menu: one on top and the other one below header.
6. 1 fixed menu.
7. Ajax Tags widget.(when you click on a label, top 5 posts of that label loads on top of blog posts)
This is what i have planned to do, but i am little confused about it. What do you think readers? Leave a comment here and lemme know what do you want?