Display posts as headlines - blogger widget
Posted by Nitesh Kothari on 28 October 2008
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Do you like the way news channels display moving headlines? If yes, then you should check out this blogger widget called WH Headlines. This blogger hack displays recent posts as headlines. You can see live demo above this post.
How to Add WH Headlines blogger widget to your blog
Copy the following code to a new HTML/javascript gadget in layout section.
How to Customize this widget/Gadget
var nMaxPosts = 15; - This code sets the no of posts in this widget.
var sBgColor; - If you want to set background color then change this code to var sBgColor= grey;
var nWidth; - Modify this code to change the width to var nWidth= 100px;
var nScrollDelay = 175; - This code is used to set the speed of scrolling. Lesser the no, higher the speed of scrolling.
var sDirection="left"; - This code sets the direction of scroll. left = Right to left; Right = Left to right; Up = Down to up; Down = Up to down
var sBulletChar="»»"; - This bullet appears before each post link in this widget. You can replace this to any other bullet.
http://Yourblog.blogspot.com - Replace this code by your Blog address.
Final Words
I am planning to write a series of posts on this hack. Comment here and tell me how did you like this hack?